You are invited to a special appreciation event hosted by Remote at Hotel Kämp in Helsinki, Finland!
You will be joined by Remote’s COO and co-founder, Marcelo Lebre, for an intimate gathering with other local Remote customers and special guests to discuss your most relevant and pressing topics around global hiring and employment. There will be food, drinks, and special gifts for each attendee. Customers will also have the opportunity to record a video testimonial about their experience with Remote.
We hope to see you there!
This event has concluded. To attend more events like this in the future, check out Remote's upcoming events.
Meet Remote's Co-founder, Marcelo Lebre as you mingle with others and have meaningful discussions around your global employment needs and challenges.
Marcelo is the COO and co-founder of Remote. Marcelo was previously VP of Engineering at Unbabel and has held several CTO positions. He frequently speaks at events about leadership and managing remote teams. Marcelo is also a startup advisor and mentor to entrepreneurs. He is a passionate engineer, proud dad, and sci-fi nerd. Reach Marcelo on Twitter @marcelo_lebre.