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Remote Connect 2023

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Remote Connect 2023

Access all the insights, education, and engaging discussions on-demand at your convenience.

Remote Connect 2023

Access all the insights, education, and engaging discussions on-demand at your convenience.

Hybrid Work Powered by Seatti

Remote Connect 2023 - EP. 17

Seatti is the leading booking software built for hybrid teams. With Seatti, teams spend more time in the same (physical) location, and companies get more value from their offices. Our booking app enables employees to quickly book desks, rooms, areas, and parking spaces with just a few clicks, no extra training required. Through detailed and privacy-compliant workplace analyses, companies gain a more accurate understanding of how their offices are actually being used. Seatti is fully integrated into the Microsoft 365 ecosystem, including Azure AD, to ensure easy and secure implementation. Our tool was developed in close collaboration with data privacy officers and workers councils from DAX companies.

Up next

Remote Connect 2023 - EP. 18

Retention Reinvented: Enabling Managers to Drive Employee Engagement in the Modern Workplace

Retention has never been more critical than in today’s fast-paced business landscape. Organizations across industries face high turnover rates and the pressing question of why employees are leaving. It's time to reinvent our approach to employee retention, and it starts with equipping managers to become the driving force behind employee engagement. Join Jenny Podewils as she delves deep into the current landscape of employee attrition and unveils actionable strategies for improvement.

Remote Connect 2023 - EP. 19

Global Equity Talk

Granting equity to international team members is complex, and most startups and scale-ups only discover the operational challenges, extended timelines, and costs of involving local law firms when they’re going through the process. The complexity can further escalate when you also work with EoRs and contractors in addition to direct employees in your home country. Tax implications for your company or team members can be big if you get it wrong, and fines for compliance breaches can be severe.


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Remote Connect 2023 - EP. 1

Market leaders of tomorrow and the UK perspective

Join Remote's CEO and co-founder, Job van der Voort in this lively discussion with top UK-based investors, Index Ventures. Tune in to unlock the key characteristics that will define the market leaders of tomorrow and the strategies required to position your business for future growth.

Remote Connect 2023 - EP. 2

How to build an international workforce from the UK

Our panel of industry experts share tangible strategies to optimize your business for profitable growth, versus growth at all costs. Gain valuable insights on effective management of distributed teams and key considerations when structuring global compensation packages., and structuring their global compensation packages.

Remote Connect 2023 - EP. 3

International skills shortage and opportunities for the German labor market

Karen Falenius, Director of International Growth at Remote, shares insights into the opportunities and challenges of a global marketplace. Learn how to transform your company into a Global-First Organization to stand out amongst your competitors.

Karen Falenius, Director of International Growth bei Remote, gibt Einblicke in die Chancen und Herausforderungen eines globalen Marktes. Erfahre, wie dein Unternehmen zu einem Global-First-Organisation wird, um sich vom Mitbewerb abzuheben.

Remote Connect 2023 - EP. 4

Building and Managing Remote Teams - Tips & tricks from Practice

Learn about combining in-office culture with remote employees and how other companies are managing remote teams. The expert panel around Yasmin Ahmed, VP People at Simpleclub, Melanie Wagner, Country Manager DACH at HiBob, and Daniel Baumann, Head of Sales at Remote, share their insights and give recommendations how to overcome challenges.

Erfahre, wie man eine In-Office Kultur mit remote Mitarbeiter:innen kombinieren kann und wie anderen Unternehmen remote Teams managen. Das Expert:innenpanel rund um Yasmin Ahmed, VP People bei Simpleclub, Melanie Wagner, Country Manager DACH bei HiBob, und Daniel Baumann, Head of Sales bei Remote, teilen ihre Erkenntnisse und geben Empfehlungen zur Bewältigung von Herausforderungen.

Remote Connect 2023 - EP. 5

Why scale-ups are pivoting to global workforces to gain an edge

Hear from the Head of Global Expansion from Grow with SAP on the types of culture that facilitate successful global growth, plus tips on how to create and navigate fast yet sustainable long-term growth.

Remote Connect 2023 - EP. 6

Opportunities and challenges of a global-first approach

In this San Francisco-based talk, explore the challenges and lessons learned in building global-first businesses, including fundamentals in analyzing the most succcessful startups of today and who will emerge as the winners of tomorrow.

Remote Connect 2023 - EP. 7

Practical strategies for scaling global teams

Scaling a global team sounds incredible, but is it achievable? Turns out, hiring across borders doesn't have to be difficult. This session covers the real-life process on how to make remote work, work.

Remote Connect 2023 - EP. 8

Exploring the latest challenges, trends, and opportunities in global hiring

How are companies responding to the rise in distributed work? Who's getting it right? What gives them an edge? Find out as our panel of experts shares their secrets.

Remote Connect 2023 - EP. 9

Investment leaders in NYC share trends and projections for distributed companies

Learn from partners at Two Sigma Ventures and B Capital Group about the latest trends in investing and scaling.

Remote Connect 2023 - EP. 10

Global equity explored: Benefits and risks for distributed teams from the investor's perspective

The VC view on distributed workforces and businesses: what makes equity such a powerful tool for distributed companies, and how can these companies leverage equity effectively?

Remote Connect 2023 - EP. 11

Unveiling the unique characteristics of the APAC labor market

What makes the APAC market different from all the rest? It's not just a matter of location. This session explores the cultural and logistical practicalities of distributed work in APAC.

Remote Connect 2023 - EP. 12

APAC region insights on building and scaling distributed teams

The best companies in APAC are not just in APAC. Hear how the most forward-thinking businesses in the region are scaling their growth through the power of cross-border hiring.

Remote Connect 2023 - EP. 13

New strategies for future-proofing hypergrowth and global scale

Learn how the distributed work landscape has evolved in the Asia Pacific and Australia-New Zealand regions, including the role of startup equity on distributed teams.

Remote Connect 2023 - EP. 14

How ANZ leaders are handling HR and compensation challenges of global workforces

Hear unique insights from Shootsta, including how to optimize your HR tech stack to scale abroad and how to create equitable and competitive compensation offers for global hires.

Remote Connect 2023 - EP. 15

Remote work and revenue: turning global impact into profit

Join Chris, Remote's Chief Revenue Officer, and special guests Brad Giblin and Amit Sion from X Team as they delve into the intersection of remote work and revenue growth. Learn how to leverage the global impact of remote work to create a sustainable and profitable business model for the future.

Remote Connect 2023 - EP. 16

Workspace in a hybrid world: lessons from Dropbox, Nike, and Microsoft.

Michael has had the opportunity to work closely with many remote first companies, helping them understand how physical space can be effectively incorporated into their workplace strategy. In this session he’ll run through how some of these companies have created policies on the use of workspace, and the effect that's had on their employee experience. You should come away with some clear perspective on the role of physical space for remote first companies - including both benefits and drawbacks.

Remote Connect 2023 - EP. 17

Hybrid Work Powered by Seatti

Seatti is the leading booking software built for hybrid teams. With Seatti, teams spend more time in the same (physical) location, and companies get more value from their offices. Our booking app enables employees to quickly book desks, rooms, areas, and parking spaces with just a few clicks, no extra training required. Through detailed and privacy-compliant workplace analyses, companies gain a more accurate understanding of how their offices are actually being used. Seatti is fully integrated into the Microsoft 365 ecosystem, including Azure AD, to ensure easy and secure implementation. Our tool was developed in close collaboration with data privacy officers and workers councils from DAX companies.

Remote Connect 2023 - EP. 18

Retention Reinvented: Enabling Managers to Drive Employee Engagement in the Modern Workplace

Retention has never been more critical than in today’s fast-paced business landscape. Organizations across industries face high turnover rates and the pressing question of why employees are leaving. It's time to reinvent our approach to employee retention, and it starts with equipping managers to become the driving force behind employee engagement. Join Jenny Podewils as she delves deep into the current landscape of employee attrition and unveils actionable strategies for improvement.

Remote Connect 2023 - EP. 19

Global Equity Talk

Granting equity to international team members is complex, and most startups and scale-ups only discover the operational challenges, extended timelines, and costs of involving local law firms when they’re going through the process. The complexity can further escalate when you also work with EoRs and contractors in addition to direct employees in your home country. Tax implications for your company or team members can be big if you get it wrong, and fines for compliance breaches can be severe.

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