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Remote Workforce Report 2023: The Rise of Distributed Teams

March 7, 2023
Preston Wickersham


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Today, we launched the Remote Workforce Report 2023 — a new report on the state of distributed hiring around the world. This original research project contains carefully curated data from more than 1,500 decision makers and employees on teams around the world.

What did we learn? You’ll have to read the full report to find out — but you can get a sneak peek below!

Click here to download the full report!

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What’s in the report?

In the last year, have you found yourself wondering:

  • How many companies actually hire people in other countries?

  • Why do companies bother hiring abroad?

  • How do employees really feel about remote work privileges compared to salary?

  • How are companies addressing DEI concerns with remote hiring?

  • Where are companies saving and spending with distributed teams?

  • Are remote employees more or less likely to do “quiet quitting?”

  • What are the biggest operational challenges companies and their teams face when switching to a distributed remote model?

If any of these questions have been on your mind, this report has the answers!

Download now!

Want to know more?

See leaders at Remote discuss the findings of this report, including the implications for companies around the world, in an exclusive online event dedicated to this new research.

Sign up to watch the event or get the recording!

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