Tax and Compliance 5 min

Non-deductible expenses: What they are and how to manage them

Written by Ana Vieira
October 14, 2024
Ana Vieira


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Managing business finances can be a headache, but understanding tax obligations is crucial for ensuring compliance and maximizing deductions. 

Your company is preparing its yearly taxes, and the finance team confidently adds a few client lunches and travel expenses to the deductible column. But when the tax return comes back, it turns out those "deductible" expenses aren't deductible after all‌ — ‌and now you're facing a larger tax bill and possible penalties.

Understanding non-deductible business expenses is crucial to ensuring your company stays on the right side of tax laws. Misclassification can lead to financial surprises, increased audits, and penalties, affecting your bottom line. 

And if you're managing a global workforce? These rules get even trickier. 

In this guide, we'll explain what you need to know about non-deductible expenses,  what you can’t deduct, and why understanding this matters for your business tax strategy.

What are non-deductible expenses?

Let’s start with the basics: non-deductible business expenses are costs that your business incurs but can’t subtract from its taxable income when filing taxes. Unlike deductible expenses, which lower your tax liability, non-deductible ones do not provide any tax relief.

The key to proper tax management is understanding the distinction between deductible and non-deductible expenses. Deductible expenses typically include costs necessary to keep your business running, like rent, salaries, or office supplies. Non-deductible expenses, on the other hand, include items like personal expenses or fines and penalties, which aren’t directly tied to the business's operational success.

Why does this matter? Correctly classifying your expenses can reduce your taxable income, meaning you owe less to the tax authorities. Misclassifying expenses, however, can increase your taxable income, leaving your business with a larger tax bill‌ — ‌and that’s the best-case scenario. Worse, improper deductions could lead to audits and financial penalties.

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Understanding payroll taxes: types and management tips

Learn the basics of payroll taxes for your business, including types of payroll taxes and how to manage them.

What are some common non-deductible expenses?

Misunderstanding what counts as a non-deductible business expense can lead to costly mistakes. Here are the most common categories of non-deductible expenses you should know:

  • Personal expenses. Any costs that blur the lines between personal and business, such as commuting or home office setup, unless they meet specific IRS criteria.

  • Political contributions. Contributions to political campaigns, lobbying, or advocacy groups are not deductible, even if they align with your company's interests.

  • Penalties and fines. Whether it's a parking ticket or a larger fine from a regulatory body, these expenses cannot be deducted.

  • Entertainment expenses. While taking a client to dinner may qualify as a deductible expense, throwing a lavish party doesn’t meet the IRS’s guidelines.

  • Club dues. Membership fees for social clubs, sports clubs, or country clubs are typically considered personal and not deductible, even if you network there.

Did you know? In 2018, a well-known tech company attempted to deduct lavish entertainment expenses tied to their employee retreats, only to face a costly audit that resulted in back taxes and penalties. A proper understanding of non-deductible expenses could have saved them millions.

How non-deductible expenses affect your business

Failing to properly classify your expenses can have severe financial consequences. Here's how non-deductible expenses can directly impact your business:

  • Higher taxable income. When non-deductible expenses are incorrectly claimed, your taxable income becomes artificially low. Once caught, the IRS will not only reclaim the unpaid taxes but may also impose penalties and interest.

  • Larger tax bills. Incorrect deductions can inflate your final tax bill when those items are disqualified, and penalties for misclassification add up quickly.

  • Long-term financial reporting. Misreported expenses also affect your company’s financial statements. If your expenses are too high on paper, it can distort profitability and harm investor relations.

On average, businesses can lose up to $26 billion annually in penalties due to tax misclassification errors, according to IRS data. This is why careful tracking and classification are essential.

link to How payroll tax compliance software benefits your business

How payroll tax compliance software benefits your business

Learn about the challenges of payroll tax compliance, common consequences of noncompliance, and how to stay compliant using a payroll service.

Best practices to avoid non-deductible expenses

The best way to avoid the pitfalls of non-deductible expenses is to put systems in place to track and classify expenses properly. Here are some actionable tips to help you manage expenses and stay compliant:

  1. Invest in an accounting system. Robust accounting software can flag potential non-deductible expenses automatically, ensuring they aren’t mistakenly filed.

  2. Train your finance teams. Regular training on tax laws will empower your teams to correctly classify expenses. A well-informed finance team is your first line of defense against tax issues.

  3. Use expense management software. With the right software, you can integrate compliance checks directly into your expense management processes. Tools that categorize and separate non-deductible expenses help streamline tax filings.

  4. Use business credit cards. By keeping personal and business expenses separate, you can minimize errors. Dedicated business accounts help you track deductible vs. non-deductible spending.

  5. Tax planning strategies. Work with tax professionals to optimize your deductions within legal limits. For instance, while some entertainment expenses aren't deductible, a portion of business meals may be. Know where you can and can’t save.

If you partner with an employer of record, you don't need a tax advisor. Read why.

Global variations in deductibility 

If your business operates across multiple countries, note that the rules around deductible and non-deductible expenses vary significantly. 

Tax regulations can change from one region to another, making compliance a challenge for global businesses. Here are a few common expense types that differ internationally:

  • Meals and entertainment. In the US, certain meal expenses are partially deductible, but in countries like the UK, entertainment expenses may be entirely non-deductible.

  • Car expenses. In Germany, business car expenses may be deductible in full, while in others, such as Japan, there are stricter limits on what can be deducted.

A 2022 study found that 60% of businesses with international operations struggled to keep up with local tax compliance, particularly around expense deductions.

For businesses with a global footprint, it’s crucial to understand local tax regulations and how they affect your business. A one-size-fits-all approach simply doesn’t work when it comes to global tax deductibility.

How Remote can help with global tax compliance

Understanding and correctly classifying non-deductible business expenses protects your company from unexpected tax bills and penalties. 

The more global your operations become, the more complex these rules become.

At Remote, we specialize in helping businesses manage global payroll, taxes, and compliance. Our platform makes it easier for your company to navigate tax regulations in different regions, helping you avoid common pitfalls like misclassifying non-deductible expenses. With our team of global tax experts, we can guide you through the complexity of international tax obligations and help you stay audit-proof.

To ensure your business remains compliant across borders, download our comprehensive Global Tax Management guide for deeper insights into global tax compliance. 

If you’re ready to streamline your global tax and employment management, book a demo with one of Remote’s global employment experts to see how we can help you stay compliant, no matter where you operate.


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