Global HR 4 min

Consolidate and scale: Introducing Remote’s new global HR platform

September 19, 2023
Job van der Voort


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Four years ago, Marcelo and I started Remote in a world where building global teams was more aspiration than reality. Even the most ambitious companies expanded their operations and teams cautiously, one country at a time. The process of expanding internationally was too complex, slow, and expensive for young companies, making global growth inaccessible to all but the largest enterprises.

Thankfully, so much has changed since then. 

Today’s innovators and tomorrow’s market leaders aren’t defined by where they’re headquartered anymore; they're born global. 

Your partners, competitors, and customers are everywhere. And the best talent is everywhere, too, so why limit yourself to just your local talent pool? If you want to hire and retain the best talent, acquire new customers and partners, and compete on a global scale, then you need to adopt a global-first approach or risk getting left behind.

Remote has played a big part in leading this change. And, we’re just getting started. The traditional methods of hiring, managing, and paying employees just aren’t fit for success in a global marketplace. We’re on a mission to change that. 

You can’t afford to settle for a patchwork of different HR tools and providers. Managing this bloated HR stack is time-consuming, inefficient, and expensive. Hiring in-house legal and HR expertise doesn’t scale – and engaging external expertise is slow. 

And in this global era, compliance is more critical than ever. You must constantly ensure you stay on top of the latest regulatory changes in every country you operate in. One slip, and it’s not just money – it’s your reputation on the line. Compliance is the foundation of our business, and you can count on us to embed it into everything we do.

Our accumulated internal expertise, combined with the most comprehensive global infrastructure, has powered Remote to the next stage of our journey, and we’re excited to share that with you today.

Everything you need to make global HR simple

Remote global hr platform dashboard

Modern distributed businesses need tools and support that are global by default. With our Global HR Platform, we’re unlocking a unified, global-first approach to HR, for every business.

Now you can scale your global team efficiently, compliantly, and simply at every stage of the employment lifecycle. Our Global HR Platform is your single source of truth for worldwide HR and people operations, which means you can ditch the spreadsheets and 10 other tools or providers you’re using and save yourself a lot of time and money.

Our goal is to reshape the way businesses achieve their global ambitions — starting with the way they hire, manage, and pay their team.


Launching today and available to all Remote customers at no extra cost, companies can onboard all their employees onto our platform and manage every aspect of the employee lifecycle. Features include guided onboarding and offboarding, time and attendance tracking, and expense management. Plus, with our mobile app and web interface, employees worldwide can access self-service functionalities.

Learn more about HRIS

Global Payroll

Run global payroll in minutes, with confidence. Powered end-to-end by Remote’s full-stack processes, in-house local experts, and global knowledge, we’ll help you make sure all your employees are paid the right amount, every time. Features include self-service approvals, payslip generation and delivery, gross-to-net reports, and more.

Learn more about Global Payroll

Employer of Record

Companies can hire, manage, and pay employees in countries where they don’t have a legal entity, reducing risk and complexity as they expand. You can attract top talent with the ability to offer worldwide equity incentives and country-specific benefits packages at highly-negotiated rates and onboard employees in a few days.

Learn more about Employer of Record

Contractor Management

Companies can pay and manage global contractors everywhere, with automated onboarding and invoicing, localized contracts and tax compliance, and easy, transparent payments in multiple currencies. 

Learn more about Contractor Management

Remote API

Seamlessly integrate global HR functionalities into your preferred tools to securely sync data and improve workflows. As the first and most advanced API for global employment, the Remote API also enables software partners to embed Remote’s global employment services directly within their platforms. 

Learn more about the Remote API

What are you waiting for? 

Don’t get left behind. Whether you’re just starting your global journey, or looking to optimize your existing operations, sign up now or book a demo today and see how Remote makes global HR simple. 

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