Global HR 30 min

The ultimate HRIS guide for companies going global

Written by Barbara Matthews
December 14, 2023
Barbara Matthews


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In any company that’s not a one-man band, the human resources (HR) department plays a key role in keeping the place ticking. Without functions like hiring, payroll, time-tracking, and compliance, a business simply couldn’t exist.

However, when HR processes are largely manual or spread across multiple systems that don’t talk to each other, they can be time-consuming and error-prone.

That’s where an HRIS comes in. 

An increasing number of companies are discovering that HRIS is not only convenient but also a critical component of a successful business strategy. They’re also learning that when they want to go global, an HRIS isn’t always their best HR platform. 

This guide unravels the intricacies of HRIS and presents an attractive and cost-effective alternative for businesses in the process of international expansion.

What is an HRIS? 

An HRIS, or human resource information system, is an integrated software solution that automates and streamlines HR management processes. 

An HRIS is more than just a digital platform. It’s a comprehensive solution that manages all aspects of your workforce. Picture it as an invaluable command center that houses essential data, like employee contact details, job roles, and salary information. 

If you’re a business owner or HR professional, understanding and harnessing the power of an HRIS can be game-changing. With this tool at your disposal, you can streamline administrative tasks and manage your human capital with newfound efficiency and effectiveness.

Imagine the convenience of effortlessly tracking attendance, seamlessly administering benefits, and flawlessly processing payroll all from one platform. With an HRIS, managers can increase their efficiency, reduce errors, and free up their HR teams to focus on strategic initiatives instead of manual tasks.

The power of eliminating HR admin with an HRIS

Today’s HRIS platforms are intelligent HR solutions that use advanced technology to provide insights and drive efficiencies. They’re powerful tools fit for enterprise-level organizations. But they’re accessible to small and medium-sized businesses, too.

The advent of cloud computing has brought HRIS systems within reach of even the smallest companies. They are an affordable software-as-a-service (SaaS) for HR teams of any size.

Additionally, they grow with you. Most HRIS solutions are scalable, so you can stay with one platform as your business grows.

The benefits of an HRIS are hard to ignore. Whether you’re a startup or an established company, the right HRIS can revolutionize the way you manage your most important asset: your people.

One of the most useful features of an HRIS is its ability to generate detailed reports. These reports are wellsprings of information that can shape your decision-making. 

Whether you’re gauging the effectiveness of a recruitment campaign, evaluating the impact of a training program, or analyzing performance appraisal data, an HRIS can provide the information you need.

However, a standard HRIS isn’t always the best option for companies that want to hire abroad and expand internationally, as these systems don’t necessarily include all the functionality you need to employ workers in different countries. 

The value of a global HRIS for international teams

An effective HRIS alternative for companies expanding internationally is a global HR platform like Remote. 

A global HR platform is a digital solution that simplifies the process of hiring, managing, and paying employees or contractors in different countries. Most importantly, it ensures compliance with local labor laws, something most HRIS technology is not designed to manage.

This kind of platform is particularly helpful for startups, growing businesses with plans to hire internationally, and multinationals that currently manage payroll and HR with multiple providers.  

Learn more about how Remote helps you hire employees internationally. 

We’ll come back to the benefits of global employment platforms from time to time as we point out what an HRIS can and can’t do well for internationally expanding businesses.

What’s the difference between HR and an HRIS?

It’s easy to get confused between the terminology of HR and HRIS. Let’s provide some clarity.

HR refers to the department within an organization that oversees all aspects of workforce management, including recruitment, payroll, benefits, performance evaluation, and training. 

An HRIS, on the other hand, is a software solution that automates and streamlines HR processes, centralizes employee data, and provides analytical capabilities to support decision-making. 

In essence, HR is the function, while an HRIS is a tool that can efficiently execute that function.

What’s the difference between an HRIS, HRMS, and HCM? 

These three related phrases point to different aspects of HR automation technology.

An HRIS is a software solution that manages basic HR administrative tasks, like employee data management and payroll.

A Human Resource Management System (HRMS) adds broader HR management aspects, including recruitment and performance appraisal capability.

Human Capital Management (HCM) software incorporates essential HRIS and HRMS tools but goes even further by offering comprehensive talent management features, like succession planning, career development, and workforce analytics. Think of it as the solution for big-picture focus. An HCM helps you manage the entire employee lifecycle, and it offers basic HR functions.

These three terms are often used interchangeably, and the differences blur as software vendors’ offerings evolve. To keep things clear in this guide, we’ll use HRIS as the overarching term for HR automation systems. 

Which system do you need for your business?

With so many systems on the market, it takes some careful research to figure out which HR technology is best for your company. 

But there’s no need to overcomplicate your decision-making when choosing an HR platform. Our best advice is to focus on your HR and business needs. Then, find the system that best matches your unique requirements. 

After all, there’s no need for software bloat or overwhelm. The goal is to simplify your tech stack, not add another system on top of what you’ve already put in place or what you plan to purchase down the road to support your company’s goals.

And like we said, if your business is scaling internationally, your best solution is obvious. Remote’s global HR platform is purpose-built to simplify global team management. This can take many international employment hassles off your hands, freeing you up to focus on core business processes instead. 

Benefits of HRIS 

An HRIS offers important benefits compared to traditional HR practices. Here are some of the most attractive ones:

Efficiency and automation

An HRIS automates many administrative tasks, such as payroll, time and attendance, and benefits management. This significantly reduces manual labor and increases efficiency. It also allows HR professionals to spend more time on strategic activities instead of administrative tasks.

Data management and analytics

In centralizing employee data, an HRIS simplifies data management and enables powerful analytics. HR teams can generate detailed reports and gain insights into labor trends, which can inform strategic decision-making and HR planning.


Maintaining compliance with ever-changing employment laws can be challenging. HRIS simplifies compliance management by automating calculations, tracking the necessary data, and generating reports.

However, the challenge of compliantly hiring and paying employees and contractors in multiple countries is more than what most HRIS systems can handle. If an HRIS can’t manage global employment or payroll, international employers will have to stitch together multiple software platforms or work with different local partners to pay and manage their global teams.

That’s why a dedicated global HR platform like Remote is the best option for any distributed team. Remote acts as a central portal for a company’s national and international employees. Remote’s HRIS is purpose-built to simplify the challenges of hiring, paying, and managing a global team.  Remote, for instance, with its extensive expertise in labor requirements in many countries, can manage the complex parts of global HR for your company and guarantee compliance with ever-changing international employment laws.

Employee self-service

Most HRIS solutions offer an employee self-service (ESS) portal, so workers can manage their personal data, benefits, time off requests, and more. This improves the employee experience and frees up quite a bit of the HR team’s time.

Integration and scalability

An HRIS can integrate with other systems, such as an enterprise resource planning system (ERP) and accounting software, for seamless data exchange. As the company grows, your HR software can scale to handle the increased data streams and complex HR processes.

Cost reduction 

An HRIS can streamline operations, reduce errors, improve decision-making, and free up your HR team’s time, leading to substantial cost savings.

While exact numbers are hard to come by, here’s an example from the HR dimension of recruiting and hiring:

The average cost per hire is nearly $4,700. Some employers say that the true cost is actually three to four times the position’s salary, in no small measure due to the HR labor involved in managing the hiring process.

So, if an HRIS can significantly streamline and track a company’s hiring and onboarding processes, it’s easy to see how smarter recruitment processes that use HR tech can result in cost savings.

In essence, by leveraging technology to streamline labor-intensive processes, an HRIS transforms HR from having a primarily administrative function to a strategic one. And this can contribute in a big way to the organization’s overall success.

When it comes to hiring internationally — something that many HRIS platforms don’t provide solutions for — the difference is even greater because of the costs of setting up a legal entity abroad.

Check out the real cost of what it takes to establish a business entity in a foreign country so you can hire employees and contractors there.

A global HR platform like Remote, which charges a flat fee per employee, can help you hire internationally for a fraction of the cost of launching an international entity in a new country. It also saves you from investing in an HRIS that doesn’t provide you with the functionality you’ll need when you’re ready to expand.

The core functionality of an HRIS 

HRIS technologies are designed to cover a range of HR-related functions that will sound familiar to HR staff.

Below are the core components of HRIS technology. But keep in mind that some listed functions are more specific to true HRIS functions, and others are more characteristic of HRMS or HCM systems.

Employee database

An HRIS serves as a central repository for all employee data, from basic contact information to job titles, departments, employment dates, and salary history. It also simplifies time tracking and attendance.

Furthermore, it allows for the easy retrieval, updating, and analysis of this data, which supports various HR processes and strategic decision-making. HR administration tools also ensure compliance with labor laws and regulations, which reduces the risk of legal issues.

Recruitment and selection

An HRIS can post job vacancies on multiple platforms, track applications, screen candidates based on predefined criteria, and manage interview schedules. Some systems have features for video interviews and applicant scoring, which support a more efficient and effective hiring process.

An HRIS can help reduce time-to-hire, improve the quality of hires, and provide a better candidate experience. It also allows for easy reporting on recruitment metrics.

Training and development

An HRIS supports continuous learning and development. It can track employee skills, identify training needs, and manage training schedules. 

Some systems offer e-learning platforms in which employees can access various courses. They can also track progress and performance, which makes it easier to align training initiatives with business objectives.


This essential HRIS function automates the complex process of calculating and distributing employee wages. It considers factors such as hours worked, overtime, deductions, taxes, and benefits. An integrated payroll module can also handle tax filing and reporting.  

By streamlining this process, the payroll feature reduces errors, ensures regulatory compliance, saves significant administrative time, and helps maintain employee satisfaction and trust.

As we pointed out, however, when it comes to managing global payroll, an HRIS that can’t manage global employment or payroll will leave international employers at the mercy of multiple software platforms or local partners to pay and manage their global team. In this case, a global HR platform like Remote is the best option to scale.

Employee benefits

An HRIS simplifies the complex task of managing compensation and benefits. It can calculate bonuses and manage benefits enrollment.

Leave management

An HRIS’s leave management function streamlines the process of managing employee absences. It automates leave request approvals, tracks available leave balances, and ensures adherence to company policies and legal requirements. 

Expense management 

This HRIS feature simplifies the process of tracking, reporting, and reimbursing employee expenses. It automates receipt collection, approvals, and reimbursements. This saves time and provides a clear audit trail, enhancing financial accuracy and accountability.


HRIS provides self-service portals in which employees can view and update their data, check their pay stubs, request leave, and more. This reduces administrative tasks for HR and empowers employees by letting them easily access their information.

Reporting and analytics

One of the most powerful components of HRIS is its ability to turn data into insights. HRIS can generate a wide range of reports, from turnover rates to training effectiveness, diversity metrics, and more. 

More advanced systems offer predictive analytics; they can forecast future trends, like attrition risk or skill gaps. This helps businesses make data-driven decisions and strategic plans.

The global dimension of HRIS systems 

An international HRIS can support multinational corporations with general HR and employee management. However, it doesn’t offer critical global HR functionalities.

Global HR management

Managing an international workforce can be challenging due to the many differences in hiring practices and regulations between countries. While HRIS solutions aren’t always equipped to manage these complexities, Remote’s global HR platform is specially designed to handle them with ease.

Here are some of the ways Remote’s global HR platform offers best-in-class solutions:

  • Rapid, compliant onboarding and offboarding

  • Global benefits plans

  • Accurate and compliant payroll for domestic and international employees and contractors

  • Equity incentives and employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) management for global teams

Multi-currency support

An international HRIS should be able to handle multiple currencies for accurate global payroll and benefits management. 

Compliance with local laws and regulations

Remote is specifically designed to help HR leaders and users manage compliance with global employment laws. The platform incorporates our internal expertise and the knowledge our team has developed after launching our own local entities right across the world. 

Remote manages compliance with different labor laws and regulations across every country where your team members are based, so you don’t have to worry about the risk of infractions and penalties. 

Time zone management

Coordinating tasks across different time zones can be challenging. A good HRIS can manage time and attendance records accurately, despite time zone differences.

Cultural sensitivity

An HRIS for international businesses should incorporate features that respect cultural differences, such as varying holiday calendars and work norms.

Global talent management

An international HRIS should be able to facilitate global talent management strategies, including international transfers, expat management, global succession planning, right-to-work permissions, and visas and work permits. 

Not all HRIS platforms live up to this task, but the Remote’s comprehensive platform has the built-in ability to simplify and manage relocation and mobility issues for a global team with ease.

Data consolidation

An international HRIS can consolidate HR data from all regions into one system. This provides a global view of the workforce and assists in strategic decision-making.

See what you can do with Remote, including onboarding, global payroll, and contractor management. 

Types of HRIS systems 

The HRIS landscape is vast and varied, with different types of systems designed to cater to different needs. We’ll explore three key categories: deployment, size and scope, and functionality, and discuss the pros and cons of each.


There are two main ways to install an HRIS: on-premises or cloud-based. 

Cloud-based HRIS

Cloud-based systems, also known as software as a service (SaaS), are hosted on the vendor’s server and accessed via the internet. This is the preferred deployment method for about 98% of businesses that invest in an HRIS.


  • Lower upfront costs; usually subscription-based

  • Updates and maintenance are handled by the vendor

  • Easily accessible from anywhere 


  • Depends on reliable Internet connectivity

  • Potential concerns about data security, though reputable vendors typically have robust security measures in place

On-premises HRIS

On-premises systems are installed and run on computers within the organization’s premises.


  • More control over data and system configuration

  • Less dependent on internet connectivity


  • Higher upfront costs for hardware and software

  • Requires internal IT team for maintenance and troubleshooting

  • Less flexibility for remote access or scaling

Size and scope

An important distinction in HRIS platforms is whether they are designed for large or small-to-medium-sized businesses.

Enterprise HRIS

These are comprehensive systems designed for large corporations with complex HR needs.


  • Extensive features and capabilities

  • High scalability for growing organizations

  • Often customizable to specific business processes


  • Can be expensive and require significant time and resources to implement

  • May be more complex and have a steeper learning curve

Small business HRIS

These are simpler systems designed for small-to-medium-sized businesses with more straightforward HR needs.


  • Usually more affordable and quicker to implement

  • User-friendly with less complex features


  • May lack advanced features or customization options

  • Limited scalability for growing businesses


HRIS functionality can range from integrated systems to specialty systems.

Integrated HRIS

These are all-in-one systems that cover a wide range of HR functions.


  • Streamlined data management with a single source of truth

  • Usually more cost-effective than purchasing multiple specialized systems

  • Seamless interaction between different HR functions


  • Some features may not be as robust as specialized systems

  • If one part of the system fails, this could disrupt multiple HR functions

Best-of-breed solutions

These are specialized systems that excel in a specific HR function, such as recruitment or training.


  • Often provide superior features and capabilities for their focus area

  • Businesses can choose different systems that best meet their needs for each function


  • Managing multiple systems can be complex and inefficient

  • Data may not seamlessly integrate across different systems

As you can see, there are many options to choose from as you consider the best HR technology for your business. 

Key features of an effective HRIS 

When evaluating HRIS options for your company, it’s important to look beyond the type of system and consider its specific features.

In this section, we’ll delve into six key features that contribute to an effective HRIS.

1. A user-friendly interface 

An HRIS should be easy to use, with intuitive navigation and clear, understandable language that encourages use by HR staff and employees.


  • Increases efficiency

  • Reduces training time

  • Promotes user satisfaction


Without a user-friendly interface, the system may become underutilized or improperly used, which can lead to inefficiencies and errors.

2. Data security and privacy

With sensitive employee data at stake, an HRIS must have robust security measures, such as encryption, firewalls, and two-factor authentication. It should also ensure compliance with data privacy laws. 

Needless to say, data protection is even more critical for companies going global. Remote has built-in protections that may offer more security in the international arena than off-the-shelf HRIS technologies.


  • Protect against data breaches

  • Safeguard employee privacy

  • Reduce the risk of legal issues arising


Inadequate data security and privacy measures can expose the company to significant risks, including financial, reputational, and legal consequences.

3. Scalability

An effective HRIS should be flexible enough to adapt to your organization’s unique needs and growth trajectory, including if you’re expanding internationally. It should have a simple interface and user experience to power fast uptake for any new user. To power fast growth, you need a tool that can grow with you in terms of users, data management, and team management

If your HRIS doesn’t support international expansion, consider going with a global employment platform like Remote instead.


  • Allows the system to evolve with the organization, which promises long-term relevance and value


Lack of customizability and scalability can limit the system’s usefulness and require costly and disruptive system changes in the future.

4. Integration capabilities

An HRIS should integrate seamlessly with other business systems, such as accounting or project management software, for efficient data sharing and collaboration across different functions.


  • Streamline data management

  • Enhance cross-functional collaboration

  • Provide a holistic view of business operations


  • Without integration capabilities, businesses may face data silos, inefficiencies, and inaccuracies.

Find out how you can integrate your entire HR tech stack with Remote.

5. Mobile access

With the rise of remote work and on-the-go business, mobile access to HRIS is becoming increasingly important. This allows employees and managers to access information and perform tasks from anywhere, at any time.


  • Enhances accessibility

  • Promotes employee engagement

  • Supports flexible work arrangements


Without mobile access, the system’s usability and convenience for employees and HR may be limited.

6. Analytics and reporting capabilities

An HRIS should provide robust analytics and reporting tools to turn raw data into actionable insights. These could include various pre-built reports, customizable report options, and, ideally, predictive analytics.


  • Empower data-driven decision-making

  • Enable performance tracking

  • Support strategic planning for the business


  • Without strong analytics and reporting capabilities, businesses may miss out on valuable insights and strategic opportunities.

While these features are not an exhaustive list, they highlight some key factors to consider when evaluating HRIS and other HR technologies for your business. 

Choosing an HRIS platform

Selecting an HRIS is a strategic decision that can significantly impact your organization’s HR function and overall success. Here are some key steps to guide you through the process:

1. Define your needs

Start by clearly identifying your HR needs, goals, and pain points. This could involve consulting different stakeholders, conducting an HR audit, or benchmarking against industry standards. 

Consider both your current needs and future growth plans.

2. Evaluate available options

Research different HRIS systems, keeping in mind the types and features we discussed earlier. Search for reliable sources of information, such as software review sites, industry reports, and peer recommendations.

3. Assess vendor reputation and support

Good vendors don’t just provide software. They offer ongoing support and partnerships. Consider the vendor’s reputation, customer reviews, quality of customer service, and commitment to updates and improvements.

4. Request demos and trials

Seeing the software in action can give you a much better sense of its functionality and usability. So, request demos or trials and use them to test how well the software meets your unique needs.

5. Conduct a cost-benefit analysis

HRIS costs vary greatly across different platforms. One report based on five-year research puts the average at $210 per user per month (users meaning employees with administrative privileges for the software). If the vendor charges per employee per month, expect the cost to range from $1 to $15 per month, depending on the features selected.

As you calculate costs, consider both the direct costs (e.g., purchase or subscription fees, implementation costs, training costs) and the indirect costs (e.g., time spent on implementation, potential disruption to operations).

Weigh these against the expected benefits, such as increased efficiency, improved data accuracy, enhanced decision-making, and greater employee satisfaction.

See how Remote compares with other global employment solutions. 

Implementing an HRIS

After selecting an HRIS, the next step is implementation. This process can be complex and perhaps challenging, but with proper planning and execution, you can minimize disruptions and ensure a smooth transition. 

Here are six detailed steps for HRIS implementation:

1. Planning and preparation

The implementation plan is your roadmap for transitioning from your current HR processes to your new HRIS. This plan should outline the tasks, timelines, and responsibilities associated with each stage of the implementation. 

First, define the project scope. You can do this by identifying the HRIS features and functions you’ll be using, the data you’ll need to migrate, and any customizations or integrations that’ll be required.

Also, consider whether you have the necessary internal resources or you’ll need help from the vendor or external consultants.

Then, create a project plan that outlines the tasks, timelines, responsibilities, and required resources. Include milestones for tracking progress and contingencies for managing risks.

Consider factors like data migration, customization of the system to fit your unique business processes, and how to accommodate various legal and regulatory requirements in different countries.

2. Implementation team

Once your plan is ready, put together a strong project team as your support system for a successful HRIS rollout. You’ll need to identify individuals with the necessary skills and experience and secure their time for the project.

Assemble a project team that includes representatives from HR, IT, and other relevant departments. You may also need an executive sponsor for high-level support and decision-making. For example, you can build an HRIS implementation team with:

  • HR professionals: Select the individuals in the department who understand the intricate HR needs that your HRIS is intended to address. They bring their expertise in HR operations and regulatory compliance to the table and can provide invaluable insights into the functionalities the new system should prioritize.

  • IT staff: Your IT team will play a pivotal role in successful HRIS implementation. They will handle data migration, system integration, troubleshooting, and ongoing maintenance. Their technical expertise is essential to ensuring that the system is not just installed but also operates efficiently and securely.

  • Employees from different departments: Involving a cross-section of employees in the implementation process is a smart move since these key stakeholders represent the end-users for various HRIS modules, such as time tracking and employee portal functions. Their input can help build a user-friendly system.  

    • Tip: Invite some representatives from your international workforce so that you can benefit from their unique perspectives and HR needs.

3. System configuration

Set up the system settings, including configuring the HRIS according to your organization’s policies, procedures, and workflows. This may involve user roles and permissions, customizing forms and fields, and defining process workflows.

If your HRIS needs to interact with other business systems, set up the necessary integrations and ensure data flows correctly between them.

Remember to pay special attention to configurations and features that support international operations, such as multiple currencies and compliance with the labor laws in the countries in which you are hiring.

4. Data migration

Review your existing HR data, correct any errors, and standardize formats to ensure consistency. Determine how data fields in your old system correspond to fields in the new HRIS. This will guide the data transfer process.

Use data import tools or services provided by the vendor to transfer your data to the new HRIS. Validate the data after its import.

Before you launch your new HRIS, don't forget to test it thoroughly to identify any errors or issues that need to be resolved before the system goes live. 

Testing should mimic real-world use as closely as possible, so create a number of scenarios and invite a diverse group of employees and managers to take part in the tests. For businesses with an international workforce, include scenarios that are relevant to managing international employees and contractors.

It’s important to take the time to thoroughly test the system under different scenarios and fix any issues that arise before going live.

5. User training

Help your employees learn how to use the new system through comprehensive training sessions, user manuals, and support resources.

Consider different learning styles and needs when presenting the training topics. For example, you can provide training sessions for different user groups, focusing on the tasks they’ll perform in the HRIS. Providing opportunities for hands-on practice and Q&A sessions is a plus.

You can also offer ongoing support through a help desk, chatbot, or internal forum to assist users after the training.

The length of the training period can vary widely based on the complexity of the system and the number of employees in your company. However, for a small-to-medium-sized business, the initial training period, in which users become familiar with the basic features of the new system, might take one to two weeks to allow for practice and absorption of the new information.

6. Go live 

Plan the launch. Decide on a go-live date, and communicate it to all users. Consider a phased go-live, starting with less critical features or a smaller user group.

Monitor the HRIS during and after the go-live. Look for any issues, errors, or user difficulties, and address them promptly.

Measuring your HRIS software’s success 

After the HRIS implementation comes the important step of determining whether it’s meeting your organization’s needs and identifying any areas for improvement. 

Here are some detailed methods for measuring the success of your HRIS or other HR technology:

User adoption rates

User adoption rates provide a clear measure of how widely and effectively people within the organization use the HRIS.

Low adoption rates might suggest issues with the system’s usability, relevance, or the adequacy of the training provided.

How to measure: 

  • Track the number of active users or logins, the frequency and duration of the sessions, and the use of the different features. 

  • Use surveys or feedback forms to gain insights into why people are or aren’t using the HRIS.

Efficiency gains

One of the main purposes of an HRIS is to improve efficiency by automating tasks, reducing errors, and streamlining workflows.

How to measure: 

  • Compare key performance metrics, such as the time taken to process payroll, the accuracy of the HR data, and the speed of recruitment processes, before and after the HRIS implementation.

Return on investment

Return on investment (ROI) is a critical financial metric that can help quantify the value delivered by the HRIS. It considers both the costs of the system (e.g., the purchase cost, implementation cost, or training cost) and the benefits it delivers (e.g., time savings, productivity gains, or reduced error rates).

How to measure: 

  • Calculate the total cost of the HRIS and the monetary value of its benefits over a certain period. 

  • Use the following formula to calculate the ROI as a percentage: ROI = [(Benefits – Costs) / Costs] *100.

Employee satisfaction

An effective HRIS should enhance the employee experience. It should make it easier for employees to access information, manage their data, and interface with HR processes.

Following the rollout, gather feedback to measure employee engagement and identify any issues and areas for improvement. Remember that the ultimate goal of an HRIS is to make HR processes more efficient and user-friendly, so employee satisfaction should always be a priority.

How to measure employee satisfaction on HRIS: 

  • Use surveys or feedback forms to gauge employee satisfaction with the HRIS.

  • Ask about the system’s usability, the relevance of its features, and its impact on employees’ HR interactions.

Note that these measures aren’t mutually exclusive — they provide different perspectives on the HRIS system’s functioning that, taken together, can gauge its success.

Consider a balanced mix of quantitative metrics (like adoption rates and ROI) and qualitative feedback (like employee satisfaction) for a comprehensive evaluation. 

A period of approximately one to three months is a good timeframe for gathering initial employee feedback. Afterwards, you can have a yearly evaluation on your HRIS system to assess its effectiveness.

What are some examples of HRIS software? 

There are many HRIS platforms on the market today, each with different features and capabilities. Below are five HRIS software choices that are highly regarded by users for their robust features, user-friendliness, and reliable support.

These examples span the full spectrum of business solutions, especially for domestic HRIS needs. But remember, the “best” HRIS depends on your specific needs and context, and Remote’s purpose-built global HR platform may be more useful for your company if you’re expanding and hiring abroad.


BambooHR is designed for small-to-medium-sized businesses. It offers a user-friendly HRIS with strong features in performance management and employee engagement.


HiBob is praised for its intuitive design that makes it easy to navigate and use for even non-tech-savvy individuals. It offers innovative features that stimulate engagement and maintain company culture, like shoutouts for employee recognition.

Oracle HCM Cloud

Oracle HCM offers a full suite of HR functions and is praised for its advanced analytics and automation capabilities. It’s a robust solution for large businesses with complex needs.


TriNet offers HRIS solutions for companies with a minimum of 5 employees to a maximum of 1,000 employees. They also offer HR consultancy services to help companies run HR in-house.

Remote HR Management

For businesses hiring globally, make sure you consider Remote HR Management to manage your international workforce all in one place. Our global HR platform helps you onboard, pay, and manage top talent all around the world.

Plus, Remote's global HR platform helps you streamline international hiring. Unlike most HRIS platforms that don't support recruiting functions, Remote Talent even helps you attract and hire top international talent.

A glimpse into the future of HRIS 

Like other AI systems in our rapidly changing world, HRIS will continue to evolve and adapt to meet emerging trends and challenges. Here are four key developments we expect will shape the future of HRIS software:

1. Increased use of AI and machine learning

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are already making their mark on HRIS by automating repetitive tasks and providing predictive analytics. As these technologies advance, we expect HRIS to become even more intelligent and proactive.

For example, AI could help identify patterns in employee behavior to predict turnover or suggest learning and development opportunities based on an employee’s career trajectory.

2. Greater emphasis on the employee experience

The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the importance of a positive, flexible employee experience and hybrid and remote work environments.

HRIS will play a critical role in facilitating these developments as it becomes more user-centered and adaptive. This might involve more intuitive interfaces, personalized dashboards, or features that support remote work and flexible schedules.

3. Integration within businesses’ ecosystems

HR doesn’t operate in a vacuum. It’s part of a broader business ecosystem. We anticipate greater integration between HRIS and other business systems, including accounting software, customer service management systems, and ERP. 

These integrations, which result in more seamless data flows and collaboration across the company, will expand overall business intelligence and significantly impact strategic decision-making. 

4. Enhanced data security and privacy

As HRIS software platforms handle increasingly sensitive data, they must step up their security and privacy measures. This includes not only technical measures, like encryption and two-factor authentication but also features that support compliance with evolving data privacy regulations.

As these trends unfold, the role of HRIS technology will only become more pivotal. It’s no longer just an administrative tool, but a strategic asset that can drive HR transformation and business success. 

HRIS or global HR platform? Make an informed choice

Implementing an HRIS is a significant undertaking, but the potential benefits it can provide for your business are substantial. From streamlining administrative tasks to improving strategic decision-making, a well-chosen and well-implemented HRIS can be a game-changer for your HR function.

However, not all business types will benefit equally from installing an HRIS. International organizations need dedicated global HR capabilities that many HRIS solutions can’t always provide. If your company wants to expand internationally but can’t spare the time and effort required for HRIS implementation, consider a global HR platform instead.

Remote offers a simple, fast, and inexpensive solution for companies hiring internationally or looking to do so. Our global HR platform can save you lots of time and get you going with international hiring much faster than if you invested in HRIS implementation.

Remote's global HR platform ensures global compliance and simplifies onboarding, payroll, and benefits for a multinational team. HR professional can use Remote to prepare competitive benefits in foreign markets, pay workers in their local currency, comply with different payroll tax laws, and manage leave requirements according to local regulations — all in one simple hub.

If you’re in need of smart HR technology to help you compete in international markets, consider global HR. Our advanced global HR platform — which includes industry-leading ATS and HRIS and payroll integrations — may just be the tool to give you the technology boost you need. 

Contact us today to speak to a global HR expert on more solutions to global employment software.

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