Accessibility Statement

Our company is steadfastly committed to ensuring accessibility for all, striving to create an inclusive environment where every individual can effortlessly access and benefit from our products and services. This statement was last reviewed on 05 January 2024.

Remote is committed to more than giving opportunities anywhere in the world. We want to create an inclusive and accessible experience for as many people as possible.

This statement is about our platform ( domain). You can discover which parts are accessible, and how you can report accessibility problems and give feedback to us.

This statement is not about our Marketing website (

Remote’s platform accessibility

We aim to make our Platform compliant with WCAG 2.2 Level AA wherever we can. For example, we follow these good practices:

  • Platform text is simple and easy to understand, even without colours.

  • Colours have good contrast for those with low vision and colour blindness.

  • Page navigation can be done using only the keyboard, including dialogs and tooltips.

  • Pages have a “skip to main content” option allowing you to bypass the main navigation and jump to the main content.

  • Pages have a useful heading hierarchy.

  • Forms have accessible labels, descriptions, and error messages.

  • Tables are accessible and filtered with screen readers.

  • Images have accessible descriptions.

  • All links and buttons have accessible names.

How Accessibility is assessed

Both our design and engineering teams are aware of WCAG 2.2 and are committed to creating accessible features by default, along with continuously improving the existing features.

Periodically our design and engineering teams go through the most common flows using only the keyboard or using screen reader Voice Over to find to find areas for improvement.

Accessibility limitations and alternatives

Despite our best efforts to make our platform accessible, we’re the first ones to admit that some parts are not fully accessible. Here’s a list of the major identified problems:

  • Most of our payslips are provided by third-party partners and might not be accessible to screen readers. We’re working on an alternative solution owned by us. Reach out to know if the payslips for the countries you need are accessible.

  • Some forms contain custom fields that are not fully accessible, such as date-pickers with a range date.

  • Some elements that should be announced as lists or articles are not.

  • Some pages might miss sub-headings to more easily identify the page sections.

  • Our identity verification process is done by a third-party that is not accessible to screen readers. As an alternative, we give you the option to schedule a video call with our internal team to complete the process.