Remote’s guide to employing in

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Make employment in Belarus easy. Let us handle payroll, benefits, taxes, compliance, and even stock options for your team in Belarus, all in one easy-to-use platform.

Services available in this country:
Employer of Record Product
  • Capital City


  • Currency

    Belarusian ruble (Br, BYN)

  • Languages

    Belarusian and Russian

  • Population size


Services available in this country:
Employer of Record Product
An empty street with a monument in the middle.

Employment termination in Belarus

Termination process

Belarusian employers have the obligation to provide reasons to the employee for termination based on the employee’s conduct at work, and/or the ability of the employee to perform duties at work effectively.

Additional clauses related to termination must be included in the contract between the employee and employer. The contract must cover clauses related to the following scenarios, and what happens when the duration of the contract comes to an end.

Type of terminations:

  • By mutual agreement

  • The fixed term contract’s term naturally expires

  • The employee agrees to be transferred to a different and new position

  • The employee disagrees with moving to a new work location

  • The employee disagrees with new labor conditions or re-organization of the company (often relevant in the event of an acquisition)

If an employment contract is terminated after a probationary period the employer must provide valid and just reason. The notice period must be a minimum of two months unless this is otherwise stated in an agreement.

Notice period

In Belarus, employers must offer a minimum of one-month notice period. The maximum notice period that can be established is three months.

Severance pay

Usually, severance payment details are specified in the employment contract. Generally a default minimum of two weeks of the employee’s average salary is applied.

Probation periods

In Belarus, the maximum probation period is up to three months. In the case of early termination during the probationary period, a minimum of three days’ notice is required.