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We help leading companies find high-performing developers.

About helps startups hire and manage high-performing tech talent quickly and easily. Get interview-ready candidates from 11,000 vetted remote tech talent. We handle it all – timesheets, legal, and payments. You pay only for the hours worked. Find your match in 48 hours.

  • 11,000+ vetted remote-ready tech talent

  • 100+ reputable clients backed by Kleiner, Goldman Sachs, YC, Startx and more

  • 97% successful trials and placements

  • 90+ tech skills covered

Products And Services
    • Sourcing

    • Candidate vetting

    • Recruitment

Specializing in these countries
Specializing in belonging, inclusion, diversity, and equity hiring in these categories
  • All Gender Identities
Specializing in hiring these technology skills
  • Database
  • Fullstack
  • Frontend
  • UI/UX
  • Backend
  • Machine Learning
  • SQL
  • Ruby
  • Node.js
  • Golang
  • Kafka
  • Azure
  • PHP
  • React
  • TypeScript
  • Python
  • C++/C#
  • Java/JavaScript
Candidate Type
  • Contractors
  • Full-Time Employees
Product Images
Candidate locations
  • Central and Eastern Europe
  • Latin America
Experience Level
  • Mid-Level
  • Management
  • Remote
  • Professional Services
  • Financial Services
  • Retail and E-Commerce
  • Technology
  • All Industries
Job Function
  • Product Development
  • Software Engineers
  • Software Developers

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