Remote’s guide to employing in

peru flag

Make employment in Peru easy. Let us handle payroll, benefits, taxes, compliance, and even stock options for your team in Peru, all in one easy-to-use platform.

Services available in this country:
Employer of Record ProductContractor ManagementPayroll
  • Capital City


  • Currency

    Peruvian sol (S/., PEN)

  • Languages

    Spanish, Quechua, and Aymara

  • Population size


Services available in this country:
Employer of Record ProductContractor ManagementPayroll
An aerial view of the city of santa cruz, venezuela.

Employment termination in Peru

Termination process

Peruvian labor law stipulates that employees can only be terminated when a just cause is provided by the employer. Otherwise, employees who’re let go without any justification are entitled to a severance package of up to 12 months’ pay.

Notice period

Employers are required to provide from six to 30 days’ notice so employees can tender a defense in case they’re dismissed unfairly. Employees who’re let go on a justified basis are not entitled to any prior notice.

Severance pay

Employees are only entitled to severance payments when a termination decision is due to redundancy. Workers who’re dismissed without just cause are entitled to a month’s pay for every year served with an employer, capped at 12 months’ wages.