Easily manage employment and payroll in

Saudi Arabia
saudi-arabia flag

Make employment in Saudi Arabia easy. Let us handle payroll, benefits, taxes, compliance, and even stock options for your team in Saudi Arabia, all in one easy-to-use platform.

Services available in this country:
Employer of Record ProductContractor ManagementPayroll
  • Capital City


  • Currency

    Saudi riyal (﷼, SAR)

  • Languages


  • Population size


Services available in this country:
Employer of Record ProductContractor ManagementPayroll
Saudi Arabian mosque

Employment termination

Termination process

Saudi Arabian labour law provides a lot of leeway for employers to let workers go, but compensation must be provided if a termination is unjustified.

Notice period

Notice periods range from 30 days for fixed-term contracts, to 60 days for indefinite-term contracts.

Severance pay

Employees who’re being let go without just cause are entitled to 15 days’ pay for each of the first five years of employment plus a month’s pay for each subsequent year.

Probation periods

Probation periods are typically limited to 90 days but can last for up to 180 days with the consent of both parties.