Remote’s guide to employing in

vietnam flag

Make employment in Vietnam easy. Let us handle payroll, benefits, taxes, compliance, and even stock options for your team in Vietnam, all in one easy-to-use platform.

Services available in this country:
Employer of Record ProductContractor ManagementPayroll
  • Capital City


  • Currency

    Vietnamese đồng (₫, VND)

  • Languages


  • Population size


Services available in this country:
Employer of Record ProductContractor ManagementPayroll
An aerial view of a lake and mountains.

Employment termination in Vietnam

Termination process

Employee contracts can be terminated if a just cause is established, such as dishonesty, negligence, fraud, or other work-related offences. That aside, notice should be provided in advance – provided both parties agree to it.

Notice period

Employers must provide prior notice three days in advance for employees bound by seasonal contracts (i.e., contracts lasting less than a year); 30 days for indefinite labor contracts (i.e., contracts lasting between one to three years); or 45 days for indefinite labor contracts.

Severance pay

Employees are entitled to a severance package equivalent to half month’s wages for every year worked if they are terminated under valid grounds except for misconduct of the employee or other circumstances stipulated under law.

Probation periods

Probation periods in Vietnam are not mandatory and can last anywhere from six to 60 days, depending on the skill level required for the position. Employees must be paid at least 85% of their normal wages during the probation period and should be notified of the probation outcome at least three days before the test period ends.