Jour 1 – Développer vos opérations financières mondiales

Remote Connect 2022 - Ep. 5

Pedros Barros, VP of Finance de Remote, et Aneal Vallurupalli, directeur financier d'Airbase, discutent du développement et de la gestion des équipes financières au sein d'entreprises distribuées à l'international. Aneal explique comment élaborer une stratégie d'opérations financières alignée sur la vision à long terme de l'entreprise, tout en fixant des objectifs à court terme. Il évoque également comment le service financier d'une entreprise peut apporter de la valeur et des informations à l'ensemble de l'entreprise, et comment équilibrer les embauches entre généralistes et spécialistes au fur et à mesure du développement de l'entreprise.

All episodes

Day 1: Welcome to Remote Connect
Remote Connect 2022 - Ep. 1

Day 1: Welcome to Remote Connect

Day 1: Founders chat | How we got here and where are we going?
Remote Connect 2022 - Ep. 2

Day 1: Founders chat | How we got here and where are we going?

Day 1: Fostering well-being at work
Remote Connect 2022 - Ep. 3

Day 1: Fostering well-being at work

Day 1: Unlearning, rethinking, and other new critical skills for leaders
Remote Connect 2022 - Ep. 4

Day 1: Unlearning, rethinking, and other new critical skills for leaders

Day 1: Scaling your global finance operations
Remote Connect 2022 - Ep. 5

Jour 1 – Développer vos opérations financières mondiales

Day 1: Future of global finance in hybrid-remote work
Remote Connect 2022 - Ep. 6

Day 1: Future of global finance in hybrid-remote work

Day 1: Fireside Chat | Improving the workplace of tomorrow
Remote Connect 2022 - Ep. 7

Day 1: Fireside Chat | Improving the workplace of tomorrow

Day 1: Partner Perspective | Hiring and retaining globally distributed teams and how to take advantage of ‘The Great Resignation’
Remote Connect 2022 - Ep. 8

Day 1: Partner Perspective | Hiring and retaining globally distributed teams and how to take advantage of ‘The Great Resignation’

Day 1: Creating a shared language of trust
Remote Connect 2022 - Ep. 9

Day 1: Creating a shared language of trust

Day 1: Closing Remarks
Remote Connect 2022 - Ep. 10

Day 1: Closing Remarks

Day 2: Welcome to Remote Connect
Remote Connect 2022 - Ep. 11

Day 2: Welcome to Remote Connect

Day 2: Trust with a global workforce: Q&A
Remote Connect 2022 - Ep. 12

Day 2: Trust with a global workforce: Q&A

Day 2: Cryptocurrencies and the necessity of innovation in the remote work world
Remote Connect 2022 - Ep. 13

Jour 2 – Les cryptomonnaies et la nécessité de l'innovation dans le monde du télétravail

Day 2: Gathering In the new world of work
Remote Connect 2022 - Ep. 14

Day 2: Gathering In the new world of work

Day 2: Building great products remotely starts with building great remote teams
Remote Connect 2022 - Ep. 15

Day 2: Building great products remotely starts with building great remote teams

Day 2: Fireside Chat: Growing a mission-driven business across the globe
Remote Connect 2022 - Ep. 16

Jour 2 – Causerie au coin du feu : développer une entreprise engagée dans le monde entier

Day 2: The culture architects: The changing role of people teams
Remote Connect 2022 - Ep. 17

Day 2: The culture architects: The changing role of people teams

Day 2: CEO roundtable
Remote Connect 2022 - Ep. 18

Jour 2 – Table ronde des PDG

Day 2: Closing remarks
Remote Connect 2022 - Ep. 19

Day 2: Closing remarks