
Remote Connect 2022 - Ep. 5

Pedro Barros(Remoteの財務担当副社長)とAneal Vallurupalli氏(AirbaseのCFO)が、全世界に分散した組織の中で、財務チームをいかにして育成し、率いるかを語り合います。Aneal Vallurupalli氏は、財務業務の戦略を策定し、それを企業の長期的ビジョンと整合させると同時に、短期的な目標を設定する方法を語ります。さらに、財務部門がどのようにして他の組織に価値と有益な情報をもたらすか、また、企業が成熟したときに、ジェネラリストとスペシャリストの採用のバランスをどのように取るかについても語ります。

All episodes

Day 1: Welcome to Remote Connect
Remote Connect 2022 - Ep. 1

Day 1: Welcome to Remote Connect

Day 1: Founders chat | How we got here and where are we going?
Remote Connect 2022 - Ep. 2

Day 1: Founders chat | How we got here and where are we going?

Day 1: Fostering well-being at work
Remote Connect 2022 - Ep. 3

Day 1: Fostering well-being at work

Day 1: Unlearning, rethinking, and other new critical skills for leaders
Remote Connect 2022 - Ep. 4

Day 1: Unlearning, rethinking, and other new critical skills for leaders

Day 1: Scaling your global finance operations
Remote Connect 2022 - Ep. 5


Day 1: Future of global finance in hybrid-remote work
Remote Connect 2022 - Ep. 6

Day 1: Future of global finance in hybrid-remote work

Day 1: Fireside Chat | Improving the workplace of tomorrow
Remote Connect 2022 - Ep. 7

Day 1: Fireside Chat | Improving the workplace of tomorrow

Day 1: Partner Perspective | Hiring and retaining globally distributed teams and how to take advantage of ‘The Great Resignation’
Remote Connect 2022 - Ep. 8

Day 1: Partner Perspective | Hiring and retaining globally distributed teams and how to take advantage of ‘The Great Resignation’

Day 1: Creating a shared language of trust
Remote Connect 2022 - Ep. 9

Day 1: Creating a shared language of trust

Day 1: Closing Remarks
Remote Connect 2022 - Ep. 10

Day 1: Closing Remarks

Day 2: Welcome to Remote Connect
Remote Connect 2022 - Ep. 11

Day 2: Welcome to Remote Connect

Day 2: Trust with a global workforce: Q&A
Remote Connect 2022 - Ep. 12

Day 2: Trust with a global workforce: Q&A

Day 2: Cryptocurrencies and the necessity of innovation in the remote work world
Remote Connect 2022 - Ep. 13


Day 2: Gathering In the new world of work
Remote Connect 2022 - Ep. 14

Day 2: Gathering In the new world of work

Day 2: Building great products remotely starts with building great remote teams
Remote Connect 2022 - Ep. 15

Day 2: Building great products remotely starts with building great remote teams

Day 2: Fireside Chat: Growing a mission-driven business across the globe
Remote Connect 2022 - Ep. 16


Day 2: The culture architects: The changing role of people teams
Remote Connect 2022 - Ep. 17

Day 2: The culture architects: The changing role of people teams

Day 2: CEO roundtable
Remote Connect 2022 - Ep. 18


Day 2: Closing remarks
Remote Connect 2022 - Ep. 19

Day 2: Closing remarks