서비스 상태

Remote의 성과

Remote는 고객이 그 어느 때보다도 팀을 더 빠르고 손쉽게 관리할 수 있도록 항상 서비스를 개선하고 있습니다. Remote의 서비스 지표와 내역을 살펴보시기 바랍니다.

기대에 부응하는 서비스 성능

서비스 지표

고객 만족도 점수(CSAT)

고객 만족도는 90%를 초과합니다.

직원 온보딩 소요 시간

신규 직원을 온보딩하는 데 소요되는 평균 시간은 1~2일입니다.

최초 대응 시간(채팅)

새로운 채팅 문의에 평균 1~2분 이내에 답합니다.

고용 계약 업데이트 해결 시간

고용 계약 업데이트 요청은 평균적으로 1~2일 내에 완료됩니다.

서비스 이력

과거 정기점검 및 사고 발생 목록입니다.

현재 영어로만 제공됩니다.

Remote unable to process outbound email due to outage at provider (Mailgun)



Email delivery service is back to normal.



We are again experiencing email delivery issues due to an outage of our email delivery provider, Mailgun. For the latest updates, please visit https://status.mailgun.com/



Email delivery service is back to normal.



The Remote Platform uses Mailgun as its email deliverability service. Mailgun is currently experiencing a Major Outage and Remote is unable to process outbound e-mail as a consequence. Please follow https://status.mailgun.com/ for more updates.

Platform migration on May 18, 7-9 am UTC



This maintenance has been successfully completed.



On May 18 at 7am UTC, we migrated our servers to improve the reliability and security of our services. Initially scheduled a 2-hour window, but it was complete within 48 minutes. During this time you may have experienced temporary unavailability of Remote, including employ.remote.com, our mobile app and all supporting services. We appreciate your patience as we committed to ensuring this process was as seamless as possible. If you have any questions or need further assistance, do not hesitate to reach out through our chat support, email us at help@remote.com, or visit our status page. We’re here to help!

Possible service disruption



Services restored



Incident flagged, raised internally and investigation started

Planned maintenance



Scheduled downtime for maintenance and upgrades

Planned maintenance



Scheduled downtime for maintenance and upgrades

Planned maintenance



Scheduled downtime for maintenance and upgrades

Remote platform partially down



Fix deployed and incident solved



Incident flagged, raised internally and investigation started

Planned database maintenance



Scheduled downtime for maintenance and upgrades