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In Remotes Beschäftigungsleitfaden für Jordanien findest du wichtige Infos zu deinen rechtlichen Verpflichtungen vor Ort. Bitte beachte, dass Remote zurzeit noch keinen Employer-of-Record-Service in Jordanien anbietet. Du kannst jedoch problemlos über Remote mit lokalen Freelancer:innen zusammenarbeiten.

In diesem Land verfügbare Dienstleistungen:
Contractor Management
  • Hauptstadt


  • Währung

    Jordanischer Dinar (د.ا, JOD)

  • Sprachen

    Modernes Hocharabisch and Arabisch

  • Bevölkerung


In diesem Land verfügbare Dienstleistungen:
Contractor Management
An aerial view of the city of amman, lebanon.

Beendigung des Arbeitsverhältnisses

Beendigung des Prozesses

Employers can dismiss employees for serious misconduct, fraud, negligence, or inciting employees to hurt a company’s interests.


Jordanian law prescribes at least one month’s notice except in the cases of severe misconduct. The law also specifies protected classes that cannot be dismissed or even notified of dismissal, such as:

  • Pregnant employees from the sixth month of pregnancy, and mothers on maternity leave

  • Workers taking leave for military or reserve service

  • Employees who’re on the annual leave, sick leave, or any leave voluntarily agreed upon by both parties


Jordanian law doesn’t explicitly provide for severance payments although employers must pay any due wages and make payments in lieu of any unused benefits at the time a worker is dismissed.

Terminated employees can file for damages and if found to be dismissed unfairly will be entitled to reinstatement or to be paid damages.


Limited to three months (90 days) and must be clearly stated in writing.