Leiding geven in crisistijd
Medeoprichter van Remote, Marcelo Lebre, discussieert tijdens de online top 'Leidinggeven in crisistijd' met een panel over overleven en strategie; van een wereldwijde crisis en tragedie naar pure winsten.
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Krijg toegang tot alle inzichten, trainingen en boeiende discussies uit de hele wereld tijdens Remote Connect 2023, on-demand wanneer het jou uitkomt.

Remote work is made possible only through incredible people. Learn how to onboard, build culture, and find the very best global candidates in a remote-first world.

Get sage advice from seasoned finance leaders who've seen it all. These sessions cover topics from Crypto for payroll to what you need to know scaling a finance team at a hyper-growth company.

Managers uit de hele wereld delen hun verhalen en ervaringen in hun hoedanigheid als klant van Remote.

Industry speakers share experiences and stories on how teams can stay hyper-connected while solving problems remotely.

Hear the latest insights from industry change makers who are helping reimagine the future of work.

Remote working has layers of legal complexities never before considered in human history. Hear from legal experts on all areas things to consider.

Essential guidance on the best strategies to hire and retain global talent.

Remoters share what led them down the path of distributed work and what remote working means to them.

Remote Connect 2022: Building Belonging in the New World of Work.

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