Employ and run payroll with ease in

austria flag

Make employment in Austria easy. Let us handle payroll, benefits, taxes, compliance, and even stock options for your team in Austria, all in one easy-to-use platform.

Services available in this country:
Employer of Record ProductContractor ManagementPayroll
  • Capital City


  • Currency

    Euro (€, EUR)

  • Languages


  • Population size


Services available in this country:
Employer of Record ProductContractor ManagementPayroll
A beautiful Austrian sunset

Facts & Stats

  • Capital City


  • Currency

    Euro (€, EUR)

  • Languages


  • Population size


  • Ease of doing business

    Very easy

  • Cost of living index

    $$$$ (23 of 139 nations)

  • Payroll frequency


  • VAT - standard rate


  • GDP - real growth rate

    2.729% (2018 est.)

Austria (German: Österreich), officially the Republic of Austria (German: Republik Österreich), is a landlocked East Alpine country in the southern part of Central Europe. It is composed of nine federated states (Bundesländer), one of which is Vienna, Austria's capital and its largest city. Austria is consistently ranked in the top 20 richest countries in the world by GDP per capita terms. The country has achieved a high standard of living and in 2018 was ranked 20th in the world for its Human Development Index.

Grow your team in Austria with Remote

Want to hire employees in Austria? Companies hiring in Austria are typically required to either own a local legal entity or work with a global employment platform like Remote that can legally provide employment services in the country.

Remote can employ team members in Austria and keep you compliant at all times. Remote can hire, onboard, and pay your Austria team so you don't have to set up local HR services in the region. Remote also makes it easy to pay contractors in Austria. now to get started or talk to an expert for more details.

Risks of misclassification

Austria, like many other countries, treats self-employed individuals or contractors and full-time employees differently. Misclassification of contractors in Austria may lead to fines and penalties for the offending company.

A lake surrounded by mountains and trees.

Employing in Austria

Employment law in Austria is governed by statutory regulations codified in various federal laws. These include the statutes on white-collar workers (Angestelltengesetz), statutes concerning working times (Arbeitszeitgesetz), paid vacation (Urlaubsgesetz) and labour protection act (Arbeitnehmerschutzgesetz).

Employment contracts are governed by collective agreements and virtually all employment agreements are covered by a collective agreement. Austrian employment law provides strong labor conditions and protections for employees, so employing people will be an important investment and commitment.

Temporary agencies are popular options for more flexible workforce arrangements. For these and many other reasons, the following are only guidelines in the broadest sense, and professional legal services are recommended when employing in Austria.

Minimum Wage

There is no statutory minimum wage in Austria, but national collective bargaining agreements set minimum wages by job classification and years of service for each industry.

Payroll Cycle

For customers of Remote, all employee payments will be made in equal monthly installments on or before the last working day of each calendar month, payable in arrears.

Special payments of 13th and 14th months are also part of the Annual Gross Salary.

Onboarding Time

We can help you get a new employee started in Austria fast. The minimum onboarding time we need is only 4 working days.

Our team ensures your employees are onboarded and paid as quickly as possible while keeping your business compliant with all local employment legislation. The minimum onboarding time begins after the employee submits all required information onto the Remote platform. The onboarding timeline is also dependent upon registration with local authorities.

For all non-nationals of the country of employment, the Right to Work assessment (if applicable) will add three extra days to the total time to onboard. There may be extra time required if we need to follow-up on the right to work assessment.

Please note, payroll cut-off dates can impact the actual first day of employment. Remote has a payroll cut-off date of the 10th of the month unless otherwise specified.

13 Public holidays

Monday, January 1, 20241New Year's Day (Neujahr)
Saturday, January 6, 20242Epiphany (Heilige Drei Könige)
Monday, April 1, 20243Easter Monday (Ostermontag)
Wednesday, May 1, 20244Labor Day (Staatsfeiertag (Tag der Arbeit))
Thursday, May 9, 20245Feast of the Ascension of Jesus Christ (Christi Himmelfahrt)
Monday, May 20, 20246Pentecost Monday (Pfingstmontag)
Thursday, May 30, 20247Feast of Corpus Christi (Fronleichnam)
Thursday, August 15, 20248Assumption of Mary (Mariä Himmelfahrt)
Saturday, October 26, 20249National Day (Nationalfeiertag)
Friday, November 1, 202410All Saints' Day (Allerheiligen)
Sunday, December 8, 202411Feast of the Immaculate Conception (Fest der Unbefleckten Empfängnis)
Wednesday, December 25, 202412Christmas Day (Weihnachtstag)
Thursday, December 26, 202413Saint Stephen's Day (Stephanstag)

Want to see and manage all holidays? Sign up for our free HRIS!

Effortless HR Austria: Take the Tour

Seamlessly manage your workforce, from first hire to final paycheck

Competitive benefits package in Austria

At Remote, we’re passionate about helping you craft the best possible employee experience for your team. We are leading the way in developing globally competitive benefits programs. This means making sure employees everywhere have access to both the required and supplemental benefits they need to thrive, and your company has the localized expertise needed to attract and keep the best global talent.

Our benefits packages in Austria are tailored to fulfill the local needs of employees. Typically, our packages contain some or all of the following benefits:

  • Health Insurance

  • Dental Insurance

  • Vision Insurance

  • Mental Health Support

  • Pension or 401(K)

  • Life and Disability Insurance

Local market insights

Our core benefits (which often include things like healthcare) are required in most countries where we hire. We do not require customers to offer benefits in Austria due to its strong public system and local laws that protect us (and you!) against claims of non-discriminatory hiring practices. However, we do recommend that employers in Austria offer benefits to their employees based on market standards. Note that we do not add a markup on any benefits premiums or administration costs.

For more insight into fair equity and benefits best practices, download our Global Benefits Guide and share with the rest of your hiring team.

Fair Pricing in Austria

Employer of Record


paid annually, or $699/month paid monthly

Top features

  • Hire without opening a local entity

  • Guided onboarding

  • Local payroll paid on time, every time

  • Built-in security and compliance

  • Flexible, localized benefits

  • Offer equity incentives with tax assistance

  • Dedicated experts for local support

Contractor Management


per contractor/month

Top features

  • Only pay for contractors you actively work with

  • Work with international contractors

  • Create, edit, and sign tailored, localized contracts

  • Approve contractor invoices with one click or auto-pay

  • Transparent payments with complete visibility



per employee/month

Top features

  • Powerful, transparent international payroll

  • Simple self-service platform

  • Personalized support from dedicated specialists

  • Adhere to local payroll regulations in every country

  • Integrated payroll, expense management, and HRIS solution

HR Management

Top features

  • Guided onboarding and offboarding

  • Employee profile and document management

  • Contract templates and e-signing

  • Time off and time tracking

  • Expense management

  • Employee and manager self-serve experiencea

  • Mobile app