Contractor compliance checklist

Work through this checklist to help determine if a new hire should have a contractor or employee relationship.

Stay compliant and avoid misclassification

When you employ international workers, you typically pay your team in one of two ways: as contractors, or as full-time employees. If you misclassify a contractor who should be in an employee relationship, your company could face serious risks. This checklist is designed to help you manage your contractor relationships and protect your business. The steps outlined will help you spot potential problem areas before you commit to an offer. You’ll find practical tactics and strategic advice to help you minimize risk, all sourced from Remote’s HR and employment law experts.

What to expect

The expert advice you can expect inside

  • Important information about the penalties of misclassification

  • Explanation of how misclassification can catch you out

  • Key questions to help you avoid the risks of misclassification

  • Expert advice to make contractor management easy