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Employment termination
Termination process
An employee contract can only be terminated if it runs past the full term, or if just cause is established (such as dishonesty, negligence, fraud, or any other work-related offences). Otherwise, an employee terminated unfairly will be entitled to compensation proportional to the tenure served.
Notice period
Notice periods in Egypt depend on how long an employee has worked with an employer, ranging from two months for employees who’ve been employed for less than 10 years to three months for any tenure beyond that.
Severance pay
Severance payments are not obligatory under Egyptian labour law except in cases of unfair termination. If an employer terminates an indefinite contract without providing just cause, the employee is entitled to two months’ pay for every year worked.
For definite term contracts terminated unfairly before they’re due to expire, an employee is entitled to receive any remaining pay stipulated under the contract.
Probation periods
Probation periods can last up to three months.