In Remotes Beschäftigungsleitfaden für Ghana findest du wichtige Infos zu deinen rechtlichen Verpflichtungen vor Ort. Bitte beachte, dass Remote zurzeit noch keinen Employer-of-Record-Service in Ghana anbietet. Du kannst jedoch problemlos über Remote mit lokalen Freelancer:innen zusammenarbeiten.
- Hauptstadt
- Währung
Ghanaischer Cedi (₵, GHS)
- Sprachen
- Bevölkerung

Beendigung des Arbeitsverhältnisses
Beendigung des Prozesses
Employers can dismiss employees at will although notice has to be provided in advance. Workers who deem that they have been dismissed unfairly can file for reinstatement with a labor court.
Varies depending on the nature of employment as shown below:
For contracts of three or more years: one month notice or payment in lieu of notice
For contracts of less than three years: two weeks notice or payment in lieu of notice
For weekly contracts: seven days notice
Flexible, at will contracts can be terminated with immediate effect
Severance payments are only required if employees are dismissed because of redundancy and in that case can be negotiated between employer and the employee.
Probation periods are stated in the employment (or collective agreement) contract.