Employez facilement dans ce pays (Zimbabwe). Confiez-nous la paie, la conformité, les avantages sociaux, les taxes, et même les options d'achat d'actions pour votre équipe locale (Zimbabwe). Le tout, via une plateforme unique et facile d'utilisation.
- Capitale
- Devise
Or du Zimbabwe (ZiG, ZiG)
- Langues
Ndébélé, Shona, and Anglais
- Population

La résiliation de contrat
Procédure de licenciement
Employers must have due reason to terminate an employee, as well as provide written notice.
Délai de préavis
The notice period depends on the length of the employment contract, as follows:
No limit (or over two years): three months’ notice
One to two years: two months’ notice
Six to 12 months: one month’s notice
Three to six months: two weeks’ notice
Fewer than three months (or seasonal work): one day’s notice
Indemnités de licenciement
There is no requirement for employers to provide severance pay, unless stipulated in the employment agreement. Terminated employees must receive any accrued but unused annual leave pay.
Périodes de probation
The maximum allowed length for a probation period is three months (or one day for seasonal or casual workers). Probation periods can not be extended.